
Hiffi was initially conceived in 2013 by consultants and researchers of DUX Diligens and Nakazawa Consulting Group. Shortly after, in early 2014, its development started at the Center for Technology Management of the University of Cambridge. At the end of 2019, the Hiffi Group was founded in order to drive and orchestrate R&D and market adoption efforts.

It has been designed to help anyone, from aspiring entrepreneurs to people in organizations of all types and sizes, to be capable to envision, develop and deploy innovative solutions of high value for all stakeholders: customers, society and the organization itself.

The framework you´ll get to know today is increasingly more useful and powerful. This is because Hiffi is continuosly evolved with the help of its Users, its Community and a highly enthusiast group of Partner organizations. An Open Source philosophy is at the heart of its development and you can be part of that evolution by becoming a Hiffi Partner.

2020 – and beyond


Research & consulting in Creativity and Innovation at the innovation unit of DUX Diligens
  • Focus on approaches such as TRIZ (Theory of Inventive Problem Solving), Strategy and Technology Roadmapping, Scenario Planning, and de Bono techniques for creativity (e.g. Lateral Thinking).


First version of Hiffi is conceived and tested in the market by DUX Diligens and Nakazawa Consulting

Roadmapping as a central artifact to articulate the shared understanding of a current reality and the visualization of possible futures, integrating the outputs of other strategy & innovation management tools.


Second version of Hiffi is developed at the Center for Technology Management (CTM) of the University of Cambridge

The holistic framework to develop and sustain the innovation capability of an organization is developed.

Designed with 6 elements: Strategy, Processes, Structures, People, Culture and Networks for innovation.

Collaboration of researchers from the University of Cambridge (IfM´s Centre for Technology Management), DUX Diligens and Nakazawa Consulting.


Third version of Hiffi is developed and tested in the market

The framework is complemented by two additional elements, namely: Leadership and Digital Technologies. Additionally, the significance of an Agile philosophy is strengthened.

The first public courses are officially launched in the Latam market andthe Hiffi Partners network program is launched.

2020 – and beyond

We aim to make high-impact innovation achievable by anyone
  • Hiffi will keep evolving!
  • Join us so you contribute to this purpose linked to make a better world!
2020 – and beyond