Entrepreneurial Design Thinking
The requirements include:
- Outstanding performance demonstrated during the course and workshops, as assessed by team members, other participants (if applicable) and the instructor(s).
- Approval of an online exam that must be taken no later than 15 days after the course completion date.
- A link to an online exam will be provided, which must be completed in no more than 75 minutes
- One exam retake is included at no additional cost. Further retakes would cost $100 usd.
- The minimum passing grade is 80%.
- The examination criteria will be weighted as follows:
- Attendance & punctuality: 10%.
- Peer-to-peer evaluation (4 section evaluations): 40%.
- Final team pitch (presentation): 10%.
- Online exam (20 multiple option questions): 20%. Note: Passing grade here is 12/20 (i.e. 60%), failing to this would result in 0% achieved in this part.
- Online exam (1 open question): 20%.
- All participants must grade their team peers. Every omission will cause a 5% penalty.
- All participants must complete the satisfaction survey.

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The requirements include:
- Approval of an online exam that must be taken no later than 15 days after de course completion date.
- A link to an online multiple option exam with 20 questions will be provided, which must be completed in no more than 60 minutes.
- One exam retake is included at no additional cost. Further retakes would cost $100 USD.
- The minimum passing grade is 60% (12/20).
- Approval of an online exam that must be taken no later than 15 days after de course completion date.