Concept-Strategy fit expedition
The purpose of this expedition is to rapidly transform the identified customer/stakeholder criteria into promising business concepts that effectively help customers and other key stakeholders address their unmet needs and achieve their ultimate goals (functional and emotional) as well as help the organization achieve its strategic aspirations (e.g. financial, commercial and social).
The promising concepts are then validated by rapidly and inexpensively testing their key assumptions in the next expedition: the Problem-Solution fit expedition.

A common pattern in this expedition is that an innovation team, inspired on the customer criteria identified, does brainstorming in new and creative ways to generate ideas to address them. The team then quickly assess the resulting options and select a manageable number based on their potential to address the stakeholders’ needs as well as their fit with the organization´s strategy and potential to fulfill business aspirations. The team take those raw ideas and refine them into valuable solution concepts that depending on the case, could represent completely new customer experiences and disruptive business models.
From all the concepts generated, a team then narrows them down to the most promising options by evaluating the magnitude of the opportunity reasonably available to the organization as well as the ability of the organization (as is) to grasp and sustain the benefits during a significant period.
Toolkits (“Exploration Backpacks”)
The team can accomplish outcomes by selecting activities and tools for the purpose, especially from the “ideate” backpack, such as traditional brainstorming, lateral thinking, systematic inventive thinking (SIT) and theory of inventive problem solving (TRIZ) techniques as well as other tools and techniques available in the exploration backpacks of the Hiffi expeditions model.
These tools enable a team to apply creativity techniques rapidly and conveniently according to strategic needs, from incremental to more radical, breakthrough or disruptive ideas and concepts from which the most promising ones are selected. This marks the key broad milestone for this expedition, identified in the model as “business concepts”.