Hiffi was initially conceived in 2013 by consultants and researchers of DUX Diligens and Nakazawa Consulting Group. Shortly after, in early 2014, its development started at the Center for Technology Management of the University of Cambridge. At the end of 2019, the Hiffi Group was founded in order to drive and orchestrate R&D and market adoption efforts.
It has been designed to help anyone, from aspiring entrepreneurs to people in organizations of all types and sizes, to be capable to envision, develop and deploy innovative solutions of high value for all stakeholders: customers, society and the organization itself.
The framework you´ll get to know today is increasingly more useful and powerful. This is because Hiffi is continuosly evolved with the help of its Users, its Community and a highly enthusiast group of Partner organizations. An Open Source philosophy is at the heart of its development and you can be part of that evolution by becoming a Hiffi Partner.